2. I continue to love married life with my amazing husband!
3. I'm missing my Ohioans terribly!
4. This is one of my new favorite CDs: The Fray
5. After many attempts at preparing asparagus and ending up with a stringy/soggy mess, I finally found a recipe that works....Roasted Asparagus.
6. Garrett recently gave his brother, Spencer, his commissioning oath into the U.S. Army making him a 2nd Lieutenant. Spencer and his wife, Lara, will be moving to Germany this Fall! We're so excited for them and for a possible trip to Germany!! :)
8. Scrabble is my new addiction.
9. Frustrated from Jack's constant meowing for food, we caved in and bought him a self-feeder. Life has been a lot quieter but Jack's hiney is now a lot fatter...
10. I learned yesterday not to adjust a burner with your bare hands after turning it on high...it may result, in case you didn't know, in a painful burn.
this ohioan DEFINITELY misses you!!!