Yesterday, Beckett and I set off for a second trip to Ohio. As excited as I was to get back, weeks before the flight I also started to get nervous. Then as days approached, I started to get real nervous. And as we walked into the airport, baby in arms, saying prayer after prayer, I experienced pure terror. Beckett was a perfect angel last time we flew to Ohio but times were a-changing. He has what we call "almost 6 months active boy syndrome" and I feared the following:
1) that the close quarters of an airplane seat might not be adequate for 4 hours
2) that I might run out of breast milk (and he doesn't take a bottle or even a pacifier)
3) that he would get a dirty diaper and I would have to attempt changing it in the germ-laden miniature bathroom
4) that he might cry, drawing negative attention in my direction. Let's face it, bringing a baby on an airplane already casts negative attention in your direction. Everywhere Beckett and I go people stop me to coo and make all over Beckett. "How old is he?" "What's his name?" "Oh, his smile is SO cute!" Then, as you approach your gate, you see the pure distaste for my sweet baby. You know they are questioning, "Is this baby on OUR plane?" and thinking, "I hope he's not seated next to ME!" I see it written all over their faces. And no one gives him an ounce of attention. Even the airplane stewardess gave me "the look"
All of these fears came true...
And on top of #3, he wet through his clothes forcing me to change his clothes in that bathroom, which is like wrestling an alligator in a closet. When #4 occurred, I pulled out toy, after toy, after every stinking toy I had crammed in my diaper bag. When that didn't work, I resorted to pulling out the baby food. And all I have to say about that is: don't attempt baby food on an airplane! NOT a good idea.
We survived and I thanked the dear Lord when we landed, breathing in a sigh of a relief. I'm happy to be here in Ohio and look forward to catching up with family and friends. And getting a little break, thanks to my parents. I scheduled a massage for tomorrow morning, which I think is much needed after yesterday's events. :)