Wednesday, September 10, 2008

in almost 24 hours....

i'm bursting with excitement for tomorrow....

one of my best friends, sarah, is coming to visit. and if that isn't exciting enough....she's bringing out my handsome feller of a son, jack. (im saying a prayer for her that jack behaves himself in the plane and refrains from his constant meowing!)
i can't wait to see them both!!

i've been so blessed to have some of my friends and fam come for a visit! johnna came out for a week in july, my parents came out just a few weeks ago, and my friend lisa will be out this saturday. not only is that great....but lisa has decided to move here in oct for a couple months! im having such a great time hosting and showing people around this town!

so please come out....i would love to have more visitors!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Samaria

This is something cool my hubby wrote this summer:

"On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria... Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said. With shrieks, evil spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed. So there was great joy in that city." Acts 8:1-8

Here Meg and I are, 2 weeks before we get married and start a new life. Christ has called Meg to uproot from her beloved family and friends, her church family, and her amazing teaching job. I guess you could say that in a way, we have been "scattered" from our homes (me by choice, Meg by association) and will follow God and the Air Force until he opens up another door. We will live a great life, but one of constant change. Moving from place to place, interacting with different people and cultures, joining different churches and ministries. You might say that God will be sending us to "Our Samaria."It is interesting to look at the context of the passage above. A couple thoughts to ponder:

Abundant growth did not occur through comfort. The new Christians didn't settle in their dream house after getting married, but instead God moved the founders of our church through "great persecution." Despite this, none of us want this life. Meg and I desire nothing but to be "happy" and live the good life. I guess there's nothing wrong with this desire. It seems normal to pray for blessing. But maybe God will use our constant moving as an indirect blessing. The military can be difficult; it can bring trials and daily challenges. Meg will serve her country by being a military spouse just as I am by putting my uniform on every day. I hope God will use any challenges to mature us and force us to rely on Him. I hope God will make me a stong enough leader to love my family and constantly point them to Christ...

It seems no one wanted to go to Samaria, but they went by necessity. While there, they "preached the word wherever they went." They proclaimed Jesus Christ and brought "great joy to the city." Manhattan Beach is amazing, but how will Meg and I react if/when God calls us to move somewhere less appealing? What if our next move is to the middle of the Mohave Desert (neither of us really seem to be the desert type)? I hope we can take on each place we live as "our Samaria", boldly proclaiming Christ and the word of God. I hope God will provide these opportunities. I'm excited to have Meg join me as my wife on this journey. She reminds me that this life is not easy for everyone. I do not think this would have been her first choice if she got to choose her path. But it is so encouraging to see her following love and following God--to California and wherever we go next. I know God will use us to shine His light and share His great joy.

Meg's faith and courage will carry her here and this blog will capture our journeys through Samaria. She told me the other night she felt God has been calling her to start a blog for family and friends. I encouraged her to follow His calling. To share our experiences as a living testimony to others. In many ways, we will be missionaries, spreading God's word wherever He takes us.
What is your Samaria? Where has God called you to go and spread His word? Are you recieving your trials and persecution with joy?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

a few changes

i decided to start a blog so that friends and family can see what kind of little adventures i'm getting myself into across the country....

life has included a few changes as of recently....

-i'm newly married!
i'm enjoying having garrett by my side everyday. im so blessed to have married such an amazing man of God. he's such a support and always keeps me moving forward. we've loved the first two months of marriage and have learned so much about each other.

-i've moved!
although my cute lil condo still hasn't sold, i packed up everything i could fit in my suitcases and moved across the country. my sweet little jack is on his way out next week and then our family will be complete. :) life is just not the same without his morning meowing and kitty cuddles.

-i got a new job!
well kind of...i was going to try and get a teaching job but found out i still have to jump thru many hoops to get a teaching license here. so instead, i looked into nannying and subbing. God blessed me with a job interview three days after i arrived with a great principal who hooked me up with a long-term sub position. i also found a great family, with one of the cutest preschoolers to babysit here and there. i started my job last week and it's only part-time. i would have to say i am definitely getting used to this and love only working part of the week. :)

-i've gotten into cooking...okay WAY into cooking!
instead of watching tv, i find myself spending hours looking up recipes. i'm sure this blog will consist of many meals and recipes i have been trying.

-and last but not least....I'M PREGNANT!!!!
okay no not really, but i couldn't resist.

will fill you in on more later, along with wedding and honeymoon pics.