Garrett took me on a little getaway weekend. I finally got to go to San Diego! It is beautiful down there and so much fun. We spent our time mostly in the Gaslight District, which is filled with delicious restaurants and fun shopping. We walked around Balboa Park. We though it seemed very "Europe-esque." We went through lots of great antique shops too. I loved it there...can't wait to go back again. But we have a few more boxes to check off up, hopefully in the Spring...San Fran!!
Hey Megan! It's Christy. I finally got on your blog. I got your little thank you card forever ago...but grad school has been so intense that this is the first chance I've had to go on here. I don't have your current phone number or else I would have called you awhile ago. We just got back to Ohio today. Unfortunately, you left the day before we were supposed to arrive. I miss ya and feel free to e-mail me your number and I'll call you sometime so we can catch up. My e-mail is: