Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a sweetless month

as many of you know, i have taken a passion to cooking recently. above anything else, my favorite thing to cook is dessert. we're talking cookies, pies, cobblers, cakes, bread pudding....okay...i'm sure you get the point. unfortunately, i was blessed with a sweet tooth like no other. i credit this to my mother, who almost always had a dessert for our family after dinner.

when i make something sweet, it is usually gone by the next day. i would love to blame this on my husband or our roommate Dennis, but alas, i cannot...the culprit is always me. because of this, and unfortunate event of the disappearance of almost an entire batch of oatmeal cookies, i reluctantly said to Garrett, "i think i need to withhold sweets from myself for an entire month." knowing my issue, he agreed that this was a great idea.

later that night it hit me....his birthday is in october!! "wait Garrett...i have to make you a cake for your birthday" he responds appallingly..."i don't need a cake" you don't need CAKE?!? silence....

"wait's Halloween this month too. i love this little snack that i make with candy corn and's delicious!" "Meg! you don't need that either" silence....

so with great pity, i acknowledge that he was right, and yes, october is going to remain sweetless for me. this will be a tough one for many of you know.

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